Photography for your business, ideal for your website, promotional materials and social media is vital in this day and age. Studio Shotz Photography can create beautiful images to showcase your products and services, or just plain and simple white background images to show your products quality.
Studio Shotz has the ability to produce a wide range of stock images, including total cut outs ready for you to place into brochures and websites. We are more than happy to produce JPEG or PNGs of images. We have produced stock images for nearly everything from shoes, jewellery and toiletries to pieces of artwork and even people!
We undertake studio and location photography, dependant on the style you wish to show for your business. From pack shot photo shoots, lifestyle photo shoots as well as general business showcase photography.
We work purely on a bespoke quote basis for business photography, so please contact us to discuss your ideas, give the studio a call on 07572 447 643 to discuss.
from £95 per hour
We work purely on a bespoke basis for business & product photography, so please give us a call to discuss your photo shoot whether in the studio or out on location.
Thanks SO much Zelda – photographs are excellent!!!
These are stunning!